University of Maryland


The Diversity of Transatlantic Stakeholders’ Privacy Perceptions

Jessica Vitak | Leah von der Heyde | Zothan Mawii January 26, 2023

Tracking Global COVID-19 Vaccination Uptake and Sentiments in 200+ Countries and Territories

Feb 16, 2021 By Frauke Kreuter, Esther Kim, Andy Garcia, Sarah LaRocca, Katherine Morris, Frances Wang, Carly Lupton-Smith, Ting-Hsuan Chang, Xiaoyi Deng, Andres Garcia The Global COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey The Global COVID-19 Trends and Impact Survey is one of the largest global data collection efforts related to COVID-19. The international version of the […]

Bias Propensity to Inform Responsive and Adaptive Survey Design

Responsive and adaptive survey designs can be used to reduce the risk of nonresponse bias through data collection. In responsive design, different protocols that appeal to prior nonrespondents can be introduced in phases. In adaptive survey design, particular nonrespondents can be targets in these subsequent phases, based on predefined criteria. In the case of nonresponse bias, the criteria can be propensity models. Key, however, it the specification of these models.