The first Social Data Science (SoDa) Center Workshop will serve as a bridge among statisticians, survey methodologists, sociologists, economists, political scientists, journalists, psychologists, information scientists among others interested in combining information from multiple databases in developing reliable inferences at granular levels.
The Workshop on The Future of Measurement, Surveys and Social Data Science Research is scheduled for September 21, 2022 at the Riggs Alumni Center on the University of Maryland, College Park campus. The event will convene a diverse group of approximately 200 researchers and professionals from academia, industry, and government. The workshop sessions will cover a number of timely and relevant topics, including: measuring race, gender, and other protected attributes to inform official statistics and AI models, survey research for social science and health applications; social data science, privacy, and perceptions; measuring emotion, conflict and disagreement; large scale infrastructure for social data science; social data science and collective resilience; and gathering and sampling social media streams.

Agenda (PDF)
8:00 am – Registration and Continental Breakfast
8:30 am – Welcome and Opening Remarks
8:45 am – Keynote Presentation with Q & A
Confronting Data Quality Challenges in Surveys and Social Data (VIDEO)
Presented by Sunshine Hillygus
The ability to generate knowledge and understanding from the data revolution is not simply a matter of developing new computational methods. For data-intensive research to address critical national problems, the ubiquitous challenge of data quality must be addressed, whether the data are “made” (e.g., surveys) or “found” (e.g., administrative records). It is also not enough, however, to just classify data as tin or gold; we need to extract value from imperfect data. In this talk, I will outline an interdisciplinary agenda focused on the development of new tools, methods, and frameworks for assessing and addressing quality issues in surveys and social data.
9:45 am – Plenary Session I with Q & A
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Science: A Focus on Community-Engaged Research and Environmental Justice (VIDEO)
Presented by Sacoby Wilson
10:45 am – Coffee break
11:00 am – Breakout Sessions
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI): : Facilitator: Nancy Forsythe, Senior Faculty Specialist/Disability Inclusion, EmployABILITY Program Lead, University Career Center & The President’s Promise, University of Maryland (PDF)
- Big Data and Machine Learning: : Facilitator: Carol Haney, Head of Research and Data Science, Qualtrics (PDF)
- Privacy and Data Security by Design: Facilitator: Steven Snell, Vice President of Research, Survey Science, Goldman Sachs (PDF)
- Measuring Emotion, Conflict and Disagreement: Facilitator: Charles DiSogra, Research Director, Demography and Survey Science, Meta (PDF)
- Language and Text Analytics: Chris Antoun, Assistant Research Professor, College of Information Studies and Joint Program in Survey Methodology, University of Maryland (PDF)
- Large Scale Infrastructure for Social Data Science: Facilitator: Laura Stapleton, Chair and Professor, Department of Human Development and Quantitative Methodology, College of Education, University of Maryland (PDF)
12:15 pm – Lunch
1:15 pm – Plenary Session II with Q & A
Giving Rare Populations a Voice in Public Opinion Research (VIDEO)
Presented by Courtney Kennedy
2:45 pm – Panel Discussion moderated by Curtiss Cobb with Q&A (VIDEO)
Panelists: Sunshine Hillygus, Courtney Kennedy, Sacoby Wilson
3:45 pm – Closing Remarks – Frauke Kreuter
4:00 pm – Poster Session
5:00 pm – Workshop Ends
Poster Session Submissions
We invite you to submit a one-page abstract until September 16, 2022 via our submission link: EasyChair. Successful presenters will be notified by September 19, 2022. Registration is FREE and presenters must register for the workshop by September 14, 2022 to have their presentations confirmed.
- Abstract Submission for Poster Presentation: September 16, 2022
- Author Notifications: September 19, 2022
- Submission link: EasyChair
SoDa Seed Grant
Information about the SoDa Seed grant can be found at go.umd.edu/SoDaSeedGrant22.
Welcoming Reception: Tuesday, September 20, 2022
5:00pm – 7:00pm
Meta Office, Washington DC
Workshop: Wednesday, September 21, 2022: 8:30 am – 5 pm (Continental breakfast from 8 – 8:45 am)
Samuel Riggs IV Alumni Center
Orem Alumni Hall, University of Maryland.
7801 Alumni Drive, College Park, MD 20742
Parking on Campus:
Please use the Stadium Drive Garage located at: 4025 Stadium Drive
College Park, MD 20742
Visitors parking information can be found here.
UMD Covid-19 guidelines
Faculty, Students & Staff: umd.edu/4Maryland
Visitors to the UMD campus: umd.edu/umd-campus-affiliate-and-visitor-guidelines-during-covid-19